




President: Meghan Forsyth, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Past President: Julia Byl, University of Alberta

Secretary: Monique Giroux, University of Lethbridge

Treasurer: Sam Cronk, The ArQuives, Canada’s LGBTQ2+ Archives

Student Representative: Gale Franklin, Carleton University

MUSICultures Editor: Gordon Smith, Queen’s University

Honorary President: John Leeder


Conseil d'administration

Nasim Ahmadian, University of Alberta

Kathryn Alexander, University of Arizona

Karen Cyrus, Wilfred Laurier University

Jacob Danson Faraday, Napier University

Michael Frishkopf, University of Alberta

Heather MacLachlan, University of Dayton

Hamidreza Salehyar, University of Toronto

Oluwaseun Soneye, University of Lethbridge

Dana Wylie, University of Alberta


D'autres contacts

Archivist: Mike Tod

Parliamentarian and Advisor to the Treasurer: David Warren

Communications Secretary:

Membership Secretary:



Editor: Gordon Smith, Queen’s University

Editorial Assistant: James Warren 

French Language Review Editor: Louise Barrière, Aix-Marseille Université

English Language Review Editor (traditional music, ethnomusicology): Kathryn Alexander, University of Arizona

English Language Review Editor (popular music): Rebekah Hutten, McGill University

French Language Editor and Translator / Traduction et révision linguistique: Anne-Hélène Kerbiriou

Layout Designer: Chantal Lalonde


MUSICultures Editorial Board

Christina Baade, McMaster University

Line Grenier, Université de Montréal

Monique Giroux, University of Lethbridge

Hadi Milanloo (Student Rep), University of Toronto

Jeff Packman, University of Toronto

Jessica Roda, Georgetown University

Daniel Akira Stadnicki, MacEwan University

Aleysia Whitmore, University of Denver


For general information or for membership-related questions, please contact us using the contact information below.